Let me start by saying I hope this newsletter finds you and your family healthy and in good spirits! With this letter I wanted to share with you how you are helping meet the needs of people impacted negatively by the Coronavirus.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was in China in December, and the virus outbreak had already started in Wuhan. The first group we sent assistance to were the special needs orphans sheltering in place in China. The leader was able to go to the grocery store for them, but she would have her name and temperature taken 3 times before she returned home. As I understand it, the children literally went months without going outside!
With only a 24-hour notice, the Peruvian government decided to close their boarders. At that time, they only had 17 confirmed cases, and this quick closure caused chaos. Over 600 Americans were trapped and didn’t get out in time. Immediately, price gouging increased at an alarming rate and the cost of meals for the orphans we support doubled almost overnight. Once we were made aware of this need, we sent funds to keep the children fed and the salaries of the caregivers and cooks covered.
Almost immediately after our friends in Peru contacted us with their urgent need, India contacted us with a request to help the widows we support. Their shelter in place order had been extended multiple times, and the widows often beg for money and food from people on the streets. Since nobody was allowed out, the widows had no one from whom they could beg. As you can see from the photos, your contributions to Global Partners in Life purchased many bags of food for the widows and poor Indian people.
I am so thankful for you and your heart for others! It is a fantastic feeling to see the positive impact we can have on the lives of truly needy people that can’t provide for themselves!
Beau Sides